Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
Astrodancingclub [no description available]
Astrodancingclub-announce [no description available]
Astrolink2 [no description available]
Athena-de German subscribers of Athena-supporters
Athena-esa-requests [no description available]
Athena-mpe [no description available]
Athena-mwg-chairs Chairs of all Athena Topical Panels under MWG5
Athena-mwg5.1 All members of Athena Topical Panel 5.1
Athena-mwg5.2 All members of Athena Topical Panel 5.2
Athena-mwg5.3 All members of Athena Topical Panel 5.3
Athena-mwg5.4 All members of Athena Topical Panel 5.4
Athena-mwg5.5 All members of Athena Topical Panel 5.5
Athena-mwg5.6 All members of Athena Topical Panel 5.6
Athena-sa [no description available]
Athena-sdt Science Definition Team
Athena-srdt Athena Science Redefinition Team
Athena-sst [no description available]
Athena-supporters [no description available]
Athena-swg1-chairs Chairs of all Athena Topical Panels under SWG1
Athena-swg1.1 All members of Athena Topical Panel 1.1
Athena-swg1.2 All members of Athena Topical Panel 1.2
Athena-swg1.3 All members of Athena Topical Panel 1.3
Athena-swg1.4 All members of Athena Topical Panel 1.4
Athena-swg2-chairs Chairs of all Athena Topical Panels under SWG2
Athena-swg2.1 All members of Athena Topical Panel 2.1
Athena-swg2.2 All members of Athena Topical Panel 2.2
Athena-swg2.3 All members of Athena Topical Panel 2.3
Athena-swg2.4 All members of Athena Topical Panel 2.4
Athena-swg2.5 All members of Athena Topical Panel 2.5
Athena-swg2.6 All members of Athena Topical Panel 2.6
Athena-swg3-chairs Chairs of all Athena Topical Panels under SWG3
Athena-swg3.1 All members of Athena Topical Panel 3.1
Athena-swg3.2 All members of Athena Topical Panel 3.2
Athena-swg3.3 All members of Athena Topical Panel 3.3
Athena-swg3.4 All members of Athena Topical Panel 3.4
Athena-swg3.5 All members of Athena Topical Panel 3.5
Athena-swg3.6 All members of Athena Topical Panel 3.6
Athena-swg3.7 All members of Athena Topical Panel 3.7
Athena-tp-chairs Chairs of all Athena Topical Panels
Athena-twg Telescope Working group
Athena-wfi-bkgd ATHENA/WFI instrumental background working group
Athena-wfi-cb ATHENA/WFI consortium board
Athena-wfi-consortium [no description available]
Athena-wfi-mpe-hw ATHENA/WFI list open to MPE H/W team
Athena-wfi-pms [no description available]
Athena-wfi-po WFI Project Office
Athena-wfi-sgs [no description available]
Athena-wfi-st ATHENA/WFI list open to Science Team members
Athena-wfi-wpleads [no description available]
Athena-wg-chairs ASST & Chairs of the Athena Working Groups (SWG, TWG, MWG)
Athena-wg-members merged list from all Athena-working-groups
Athena-wg-telecon Participants of Telecon with ASST & Chairs of the Athena Working Groups (SWG, TWG, MWG)
Athena-wisc-bkgd Mailing list of the Athena WFI Instrument Science Centre (WISC) Thematic Panel on background.
Athena-wisc-sourcedet Athena/WFI Instrument Science Centre - Source Detection and Parametrization
Athena-wisc-system Athena/WFI Instrument Science Centre - System
Bayes-forum discussion forum on Bayesian analysis and information theory
clustersGroup represent people who work on clusters at mpe.
COG Campus Observatory Garching
Cog-fopra Campus Observatory Garching - Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum
Dysmalpy_users [no description available]
Editorial-board [no description available]
Ep Einstein Probe
eroAAL [no description available]
eroagn eRosita AGN
Eroagn-ec [no description available]
eroagn-exec eROSITA AGN Executive Committee
erobkg eRosita Background
erocalib eRosita Calibration
erocat eROSITA Source Detection and Catalogues
EroClusters eRosita Cluster and Cosmology Working Group
EroClusters-EC [no description available]
erocomapct-ec [no description available]
erocompact eROSITA Compact Objects
EroFollow-EC [no description available]
EroFollowup eRosita Followup
erogal eRosita Galaxy
erogal-ec eRosita Galaxy - external collaborators
Eromlstats [no description available]
Eronrta [no description available]
Erooutreach [no description available]
Erosita-general eRosita Science Team
erosita-helpdesk eROSITA Helpdesk
erosita-hsc-agn [no description available]
erosita-hsc-clusters [no description available]
Erosita-members [no description available]
eROSITA-Operations [no description available]
erosita-planning eROSITA planning
eROSITA-SASS eROSITA Software development team (closed group)
erosita-wgchairs eRosita Working Group Chairs
Erosita2024 [no description available]
erosita_ccb eROSITA Collaboration Coordination Board
erosnr eRosita Supernovae Remnants
erosolar eRosita Solar System
erostars eRosita Stars
erotda eRosita TDA
Erotda-ec [no description available]
Euclid-ext-de Mailing list for Euclid External Data
Euclid-germany Meta-list for all German Institutes involved in Euclid
Euclid-istf [no description available]
Euclid-sdc Mailing list for staff of Euclid German Science Data Center (SDC-DE)
Euclid-users Users of the Euclid SDC-DE Cluster
Eupol This is EuPol
EXSAS forum on status of EXSAS package used for analysis of ROSAT data
ff1-directors [no description available]
Foo123 [no description available]
Foobar [no description available]
G2 [no description available]
Galev [no description available]
GBM-obs [no description available]
Getbalanced [no description available]
Gravitas-science GRAVITAS science team
gravity [no description available]
Gravityplus-ao [no description available]
Gravityplus-consortium [no description available]
Grelect TUM Lecture Mailing-List
Grondobs [no description available]
Grondobs-log [no description available]
He-agn [no description available]
he-scistaff Science staff and postdocs of the he group
He-staff he-staff members
Hetdex-general General HETDEX discussions
Hetdex-parallel [no description available]
Hetdex-software [no description available]
Hetdex-systems [no description available]
Hetdex-tcs HETDEX TCS mailing list
Hetdex-virus [no description available]
Imprs-astro-studentreps [no description available]
Imprs-astro-students combined list of all imprs-astro-students[0-9] lists
Imprs-astro-students0 [no description available]
Imprs-astro-students1 [no description available]
Imprs-astro-students2 [no description available]
Imprs-astro-students3 [no description available]
Imprs-astro-students4 [no description available]
Imprs-astro-students5 [no description available]
Imprs-astro-students6 [no description available]
Ism-spp info mailing list of the ISM-SPP (DFG priority program 1573)
kmos-virial [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Orangen [no description available]
Pacs_ops [no description available]
panstarrs [no description available]
Pg_ism-spp [no description available]
Pythoneers [no description available]
Sab2019 Fachbeirat 2019
Sciserver-users Mailing list to make announcements to MPE SciServer users
sdss3-mpe [no description available]
Seeon-conference2019 [no description available]
Srg2020_loc [no description available]
Srg2020_soc [no description available]
Stew [no description available]
Virus-parallel [no description available]
Wfi-mpe [no description available]

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